
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2011

Los Borgias de Mayapur

por G.B.C. Investigation Srila Prabhupada vertió su misericordia en el planeta Tierra, y continúa predicando y protegiendo a su Iskcon original. Y este advenimiento de conocimiento no podrá ser interrumpido durante milenios. En ese sentido queremos anunciarle a los fieles seguidores de Srila Prabhupada que estarán siempre protegidos por el mismo paramprara vaisnava que protege a la misión que él fundó, ese paramprara que pone al descubierto las desviaciones demoníacas. En la oficina de G.B.C. Investigation --que cuenta con una red de agentes e informantes camuflados en cada centro de Iskcon-- estamos trabajando horas extras para recopilar con urgencia toda la información sobre los hechos más recientes de Mayapur. UN SANTO NO MUY SANTO El primer caso que hemos estado investigando es el de Pankajanghri das --uno de los hermanos gemelos pujaris que dirigen la adoración de las Deidades en Mayapur--, quien tuvo una relación sexual prohibida con una mujer cas...

Scrap ISKCON Interfaith!

Scrap ISKCON Interfaith! BY: RAVANARI DAS Apr 25, 2011 — USA (SUN) — There is a pilgrim who was advised by a pandit to search for a cow to which to offer some grass as an act of piety. Along the way he encountered Kali whipping the cow and a bull. Charmed by Kali's seductive smile and silvery tongue, he immediately embraced the demon, joined his interfaith movement and became Kali's chela . Such is the present situation in ISKCON's interfaith outreach movement, as we see frequently touted on ISKCON News . In the article that follows I do not regret words aimed at pulling the rug out from under the saffron socks of ISKCON's holier-than-thou interfaith advocates, because the way such touchy-feely programmes are run is an affront to everything the Paramhamsa Founder-Acarya stood for. Those of you who support the amoeba-like compromise of interfaith should wipe that concerned Salvation Army bell ringer expression off your mugs and listen to the voice of truth. We will show ...

BTP article forces apology and admission of error

Back To Prabhupada, Issue 30, Winter 2010/11 In BTP 28, we published an article entitled “Lord Krishna turned into cartoon fiction”, about the “Little Krishna” cartoon series (LK), which can be read here . In response to this article, the ISKCON Bangalore devotees involved in making LK (henceforward “BD”), issued a statement in the form of a series of questions and answers, which, as will be seen below, was basically just a series of admissions conceding all the main points made in our BTP 28 article. This statement was published on the “official forum of ISKCON Bangalore” on November 17th, 2010, not long after BTP 28 had been received by devotees all over the world. Extracts from BD’s statement are reproduced in the shaded panels below, with our response underneath. Admission 1: We made great blunder "What about the use of the word “fable”? Ans: We admit, it was a faux pas. […] We sincerely apologize to the worldwide community of followers of Srila Prabhupada for the blu...