Enterro de Kirtanananda em Vrindavana
tagged: kirtanananda Kirtanananda’s Burial in Vrndavan Posted by Editor in Devotional Community , GBC , Vrindavan Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa – Śrī Vṛndāvan Dham: Kirtanananda left his body on the 24 th October 2011 in hospital in Thane, a cosmopolitan city on the outskirts of Mumbai. Out of all of the places in India that this man could have left his body he left his body in Thane which historically was known as a city largely populated by Catholics. This is fitting because Kirtanananda, although calling himself a disciple of Śrīla Prabhupāda while continually disobeying Śrīla Prabhupāda, used his position in ISKCON to launch his own career as an Interfaith Spiritual Preacher much like his right hand man Radhanatha Swami and many other ardent followers of Kirtanananda are currently doing. Kirtanananda, a well known Pedophile, who it has been claimed molested many little boys under his care, was a practicing Homosexual / murder conspirator ...